Tiffany Caldwell Photography - Street Photography Workshop!

Tiffany Caldwell Photography - Street Photography Workshop!

From July 12, 2020 8:00 am until July 12, 2020 12:00 pm

At Downtown Rehoboth Beach - Along the Boardwalk

Posted by Katie Bragg

Categories: Services – Specials/Promotions

Hits: 659

Tiffany Caldwell Photography

2 Dates · Jul 12 - Jul 17
Rehoboth Beach, DE

Do you enjoy taking photos and want to learn more about different ways to capture the world around you? How about people watching, and walks on the boardwalk? Street Photography is an experience that can really enhance your connection with the world around you. My one day Boardwalk Street Photography Workshop will expose you to the basics of this fun and fascinating art! As a professional photographer, I've traveled the world doing "street" in places like Cuba, Bali, Thailand, New Orleans and many more intriguing destinations. There is nothing quite like observing people in their day to day moments and cultures, and capturing their essence in a photograph. In this workshop, I will give you a brief introduction into the world of street photography. We will start with some inspiration and a short history of street by looking at some well known street photographers and their work. From there, I will guide you through street walks on the boardwalk at different times of day to show you different approaches to photographing people on the street and ways to look at light, technique, and even some portraiture. The art of street photography is something that can change the way you photograph everywhere and can be a whole lot of fun in the process! Get ready to learn, create, and make some great new friends in the world of street photography. I can't wait to share my love of street photography with you! Tiff :) Workshop Details: 5 people maximum to a group. You must have your own camera with knowledge of basic shooting techniques to gain access to the workshop. $95 per person Full Schedule of the day TBA. *Morning breakfast included with cost. Go to my street photography website to find out more about my street work, latest photobook BENCH, and upcoming shows: Message me if you have questions.